
At Free Spirit we believe that making alcohol-free choices should be easy and enjoyable. We want to make sophisticated alcohol-free drinks easily available for consumers to drink both at home and in bars and restaurants across Singapore.

Everything in our store is tried and tested and hand-selected by our founders Rebecca and Emma. We make it easy for our customers to get the very best alcohol-free drinks home delivered with just a few clicks on our website.

We’re determined to get Singapore’s bar and restaurant industry on board to give a better choice of alcohol-free options to their customers. It's our dream to put alcohol-free beverages on the menus of at least 50% of bars and restaurants across Singapore in the next two years.

"We hope that bars and restaurants will add an alcohol free product to accommodate people who don't want to drink but still want the feeling of drinking. It’s totally normal now to cater to vegetarians and vegans, and we believe that it should also be normal and expected that sophisticated alcohol-free choices are on the menu wherever we eat and drink.” says Free Spirit founder Emma Pike.